Student Ministry

Grades 6th - 12th

Events and Mission Trips

Thrive has events for students throughout the year, which include outings to theme parks and concerts, kayaking, winter and summer camps. Thrive also organizes mission trips for high school students.

Weekly Meetings

Students meet weekly for a time of games, music, videos, and teaching from God’s Word.
At these meetings, students will also break into small groups for discussion time.


Middle school students join worship at church and will break into groups to study God’s Word. Once a month, these students will join the congregation for the sermon and  communion in the main service. High school students will join main service on Sundays.


Sunday Mornings

at the Lyons Valley Campus in the Student Center
(14866 Lyons Valley Rd)

at the Jamul Drive Campus at the Church 
(14058 Jamul Drive)

Thrive Middle School : 

Monday nights, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm 

Thrive High School : 

10 :30 am Service
Students will stay in church for worship until dismissed. Middle school students (6th - 8th grade) go to the adult classroom for 2nd service, and high school students (9th - 12th grade) stay for the adult service.
Wednesday nights, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Upcoming Events
(High Schoolers)

Thrive Medical and Liability Release Form

Please fill out our waiver online for your student to be able to participate in our events:

Thrive & KidsWorld Newsletter

Core Values


We desire that our students would be open to being molded and shaped by the Holy Spirit, their leaders, other students and church leaders.


We desire that Thrive is an environment where students’ voices are heard in a safe place; their thoughts are valued and questions are answered.


We desire that students are offered the opportunity to grow in relation with other students and leaders.


We desire that Thrive is a place where all individuals feel welcome and comfortable inviting others to come.


We desire that Thrive is an environment where our students’ faith is visible and nurtured.


We desire that as students graduate they are equipped to go out into the world, and the church at large and live a life committed to following Christ.


The secret behind Thrive’s ministry to middle schoolers and high schoolers is amazing adult leaders who pour time and energy into making Thrive a fun, welcoming place.

If you are interested in joining the Thrive team please email us or call the office at 619.669.7203.

Follow us on social media.